Personal pronouns


Here are the different forms for personal pronouns in English:

Use of the subject pronoun

Subject pronouns reflect the nouns they replace. Since English nouns rarely show gender, the pronouns "he" and "she" are generally used only for people or animals; in the case of objects or impersonal expressions, the pronoun "it" will be used.



Use of predicate pronouns:

Predicate pronouns will always have the same form whether they are used as direct, indirect, or prepositional objects. The forms are: "me", "you", "it", "him", "her", "us", "them."

Whatever the form of the sentence (affirmative, negative, interrogative), direct objects -- or the pronouns replacing them -- will follow the verb:

Prepositional objects will come after their preposition:

Indirect objects will generally come after the proposition "to," except if the pronoun precedes the direct object, in which cas the proposition "to" disappears:

Order of pronouns

When a verb is followed by two or more pronouns, the following sequence is observed:


Examples :

Exception: As noted above, one may omit the preposition "to" in front of an indirect object, in which cas the indirect object pronoun precedes the direct object:


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