E-sport Studio
Improve your English skills and esports performance by playing games like FIFA and DOTA 2.
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E-sports Tournament
London Kingston
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Our EF studios includes 4 daily sessions alternating theory and practical sessions.
Learn how to become the best at video games under the guidance of EF teachers, and visit the EA Games studio in London.
通常情况:在您参加了全部课程并完成全部作业的前提下,每六周的时间,您的语言将提升一个等级,有时候甚至会进步更快! 我们创新的教学方法旨在帮助学生取得最大的进步。 否则,我们将免费让您学习直到达到预期水平。*语言提升的速度除英语外会因不同语言的差别而有所差异。