the 这个字是英语中极为常见的字,也是唯一的定冠词。当发言者认为对方已经知道他指的是什麽,就会在名词前加定冠词。至于用定冠词的时机有很多,以下为您列举几种:
何时要用 the
如果先前已提过某件事物,后面要再提及时,就在前面加 the,以表示限定某物。
- On Monday, an unarmed man stole $1,000 from the bank. The thief hasn't been caught yet.
- I was walking past Benny's Bakery when I decided to go into the bakery to get some bread.
- There's a position available in my team. The job will involve some international travel.
在假定某物只有某个地方才有时,纵使前面完全没提过,还是可以在名词前加 the,因为对方一听就知道指的是何物。
- We went on a walk in the forest yesterday.
- Where is the bathroom?
- Turn left and go to number 45. Our house is across from the Italian restaurant.
- My father enjoyed the book you gave him.
若句中有特别限定或确定某物,就用 the。
- The man who wrote this book is famous.
- I scratched the red car parked outside.
- I live in the small house with a blue door.
- He is the doctor I came to see.
用 the 来指独一无二的人或物。
- The sun rose at 6:17 this morning.
- You can go anywhere in the world.
- Clouds drifted across the sky.
- The president will be speaking on TV tonight.
- The CEO of Total is coming to our meeting.
在形容词最高级和序数前用 the。
- This is the highest building in New York.
- She read the last chapter of her new book first.
- You are the tallest person in our class.
- This is the third time I have called you today.
在形容词前用 the 来指整个群体。
- The French enjoy cheese.
- The elderly require special attention.
- She has given a lot of money to the poor.
在年代前用 the 。
- He was born in the seventies.
- This is a painting from the 1820's.
若子句是由 only 引导,则在前面加 the。
- This is the only day we've had sunshine all week.
- You are the only person he will listen to.
- The only tea I like is black tea.
在区域丶河流丶山区丶群岛丶峡谷和海洋等地理名词前用 the 。
- They are travelling in the Arctic.
- Our ship crossed the Atlantic in 7 days.
- I will go on a cruise down the Nile.
- Hiking across the Rocky Mountains would be difficult.
在有复数形的国名前用 the 。
- I have never been to the Netherlands.
- Do you know anyone who lives in the Philippines?
在含有 republic丶kingdom丶states 的国名前用 the。
- She is visiting the United States.
- James is from the Republic of Ireland.
在报刊名称前用 the。
- I read it in the Guardian.
- She works for the New York Times.
在知名建筑物丶艺术作品丶博物馆丶纪念碑前用 the 。
- Have you been to the Vietnam Memorial?
- We went to the Louvre and saw the Mona Lisa.
- I would like to visit the Eiffel Tower.
- I saw King Lear at the Globe.
在饭店和餐厅名称前用 the,但如果是以人名来命名,就不加。
- They are staying at the Hilton on 6th street.
- We ate at the Golden Lion.
在家族姓氏前用 the,但单指一个人的名字则不加。
- We're having dinner with the Smiths tonight.
- The Browns are going to the play with us.
何时不用 the
除了上述几个国家,其他国名则不用 the。
- Germany is an important economic power.
- He's just returned from Zimbabwe.
语言名称前不用 the 。
- French is spoken in Tahiti.
- English uses many words of Latin origin.
- Indonesian is a relatively new language.
三餐名称前面不用加 the 。
- Lunch is my favorite meal.
- I like to eat breakfast early.
在人名前不用加 the。
- John is coming over later.
- Mary Carpenter is my boss.
当称谓或职称与名字连用时,就不用加 the。
- Prince Charles is Queen Elizabeth's son.
- President Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas.
在有 's 的所有格後面不用加 the。
- His brother's car was stolen.
- Peter's house is over there.
职业或专业名称前不用加 the。
- Engineering is a well-paid career.
- He'll probably study medicine.
在店家名称前不用加 the。
- I'll get the card at Smith's.
- Can you go to Boots for me?
在年份前不用加 the。
- 1948 was a wonderful year.
- He was born in 1995.
在不可数名词前不用加 the。
- Rice is an important food in Asia.
- Milk is often added to tea in England.
- War is destructive.
在独立的山丶湖丶岛屿等名称前不用加 the。
- Mount McKinley is the highest mountain in Alaska.
- She lives near Lake Windermere.
- Have you visited Long Island?
在市镇丶街道丶车站丶机场等名称前,大多数都不用加 the。
- Victoria Station is in the centre of London.
- Can you direct me to Bond Street?
- She lives in Florence.
- They're flying into Heathrow.