

  • 表达嗜好丶真理丶重复性的动作、不变的情况丶情感和愿望:
    I smoke(嗜好);I work in London(不变的情况);London is a large city(真理)
  • 给予指令或指导:
    You walk for two hundred meters, then you turn left.
  • 表达已排定的事情,无论是现在或未来的安排,都可用一般现在时来表达:
    Your exam starts at 09.00.
  • 表达未来的时间,用于特定连接词之后:after, when, before, as soon as, until
    He'll give it to you when you come next Saturday.


  • 嗜好
    He drinks tea at breakfast.
    She only eats fish.
    They watch television regularly.
  • 重复的动作或事件
    We catch the bus every morning.
    It rains every afternoon in the hot season.
    They drive to Monaco every summer.
  • 真理
    Water freezes at zero degrees.
    The Earth revolves around the Sun.
    Her mother is Peruvian.
  • 指令或指导
    Open the packet and pour the contents into hot water.
    You take the No.6 bus to Watney and then the No.10 to Bedford.
  • 排定的事情
    His mother arrives tomorrow.
    Our holiday starts on the 26th March
  • 未来的建设
    She'll see you before she leaves.
    We'll give it to her when she arrives.

构成一般现在时:以 to think 为例

肯定 疑问 否定
I think Do I think? I do not think
You think Do you think? You do not think
He thinks Does he think? He does not think
She thinks Does she think? She does not think
It thinks Does it think? It does not think
We think Do we think? We do not think.
They think Do they think? They do not think.


  • 在第三人称单数时,动词一律以 s 结尾:
    he wants, she needs, he gives, she thinks.
  • 否定句和疑问句要用 Does(= 助动词 Do 的第三人称动词变化)+ 不带 to 的不定词。
    He wants ice cream. Does he want strawberry? He does not want vanilla.
  • y 结尾的动词:第三人称动词要将 y 改为 ies
    fly --> flies, cry --> cries
    例外情况:字尾 前面有母音:
    play --> plays, pray --> prays
  • 当动词原型字尾是 ssxshch 时,就在字尾加 es:
    he passes, she catches, he fixes, it pushes
  • He goes to school every morning.
  • She understands English.
  • It mixes the sand and the water.
  • He tries very hard.
  • She enjoys playing the piano.