动名词一般会用在几种动词后,而最常见的几个动词就列在下表。所有这些动词后都可以用名词来代替动名词。切记,在句中的动名词就跟名词的作用一样,而其中有些动词后面可以接 that 子句。需要特别说明用法的动词都以超连结显示,点进去即可阅览详尽的说明。
avoid | celebrate | consider | contemplate | defer | delay | detest |
dislike | dread | enjoy | entail | escape | excuse | finish |
forgive | involve | keep | loathe | mind | miss | pardon |
postpone | prevent | resent | resist | risk | save | stop |
- I avoid going to the dentist.
- I avoid chocolate.
- I miss taking walks in the morning.
- I miss England.
- I have finished working.
- I have finished the cake.
可以接名词丶动名词或 that 子句的动词
acknowledge | admit | anticipate | appreciate | deny | imagine | mean |
mention | propose | recall | recollect | report | suggest | understand |
- I can't imagine living in that big house.
- I can't imagine a purple unicorn in my yard.
- I can't imagine that he lied on purpose.
- I understand French.
- I understand fishing pretty well.
- I understand that you would prefer to stay.