“Some sentences are short. Some sentences can be very long. Both types are useful.
If you use only short sentences all the time, it can be boring to
read. If you use only long sentences all the time it can be confusing
to read. People will soon lose interest in what you have to say.” 有些句子很短。有些句子可能会很长。但是两者都是有用的。如果你一直使用短句,读起来就很乏味。如果你一直使用长句,读起来就很困惑。人们很快就会对你所说的话失去兴趣。
“Longer (not long) sentences can add colour to your story. Longer sentences can add
variety to your sentence. Longer sentences can help you avoid excessive repetition. Longer sentences
can help you create a flow to your work.” 较长的(不是很长的)句子可以为你的故事增添色彩。较长的句子可以让你的句子变得多样化。较长的句子可以帮助你避免过多的重复。较长的句子可以帮助你工作顺利。
或许有点无聊,那么让我们再次尝试使用我们所说的连词小朋友 — 由于他们将想法联系在一起,因此被称为连接词:
“Some sentences are short while others can be very long but both types are
useful. If you use only short sentences all the time, it can be boring
to read. However, if you use only long sentences all the time, it can
be confusing to read and people will soon lose interest in what you have
to say.” 有些句子比较短而有些句子却很长,但是两者都是有用的。如果你一直使用短句,读起来就很乏味。但是,如果你一直使用长句,读起来就很困惑,而且人们很快就会对你所说的失去兴趣。
“Longer (not long) sentences can add colour and variety to your story and they
can also help you avoid excessive repetition and create a flow to your work.” 较长的(不是很长的)句子可以为你的故事增添色彩,并且让你的句子变得多样化,而且可以帮助你避免过多的重复并帮助你工作顺利。
有时候,我们只是想连接2个想法那么我们不必使用2个单独的句子,例如,"Before he left for work, he made sure
that he had packed his cell phone."在他离开去工作前,他会确保已经带了电话。
“Conjunctions are important. When you use them, it sounds better.” Or “Conjunctions are important
because when you use them, it sounds better.”连词是重要的。当你使用它们的时候,句子听上去会很不错。或者连词是重要的,因为当你使用它们的时候,句子听上去会很不错。