听到拉斯维加斯(Las Vegas),脑子里面第一反应就是赌场,这座城市以赌博业闻名全球。那你知不知道拉斯维加斯大道是什么呢?让我们一起来看一下它的英文简介。
Las Vegas Strip
Annual Visitors: 29,467,000
Sin City was hit hard by the recession, but don’t bet against this legendary destination, which got a boost from the summer 2009 blockbuster The Hangover.
Last year, 79 percent of tourists (29,467,000 people) chose to stay at hotels right on the Strip like Caesar’s Palace—the choice of the movie’s zany four-pack. And why not? Roll out of bed and onto the Strip to catch the Bellagio fountains in action, shop, gamble, and, of course, people-watch (which can get especially fun later at night).
去年, 有79 %的游客(29467000人)选择留宿在拉斯维加斯大道上的的酒店,正如影片中四人所选择的凯撒宫。为什么不呢?翻身下床,徜徉在拉斯维加斯大道,看看美丽湖喷泉,购物,赌博,入夜后,冷眼各色人等的众生相,真是再有趣不过了。