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整理事物的4个步骤 4 Steps To Organize Just About Anything

整理事物的4个步骤   4 Steps To Organize Just About Anything

Organizing and simplifying can be summed up in four easy steps and can be applied to just about any organizing venture. 整理和简化可以概括为4个轻松的步骤,适用于任何有关整理的行动。

Pull it out and pile it up! If you’re starting with a closet for example, pull everything out and put it in one central location (on a table, counter top or bed). Everything in that closet needs to be removed every hanger, jacket, purse, even an old awkward stool that you think is going to go right back in there anyway. Take it ALL out.
拿出来堆在一起!例如你从壁橱开始,把所有的东西都拿出来放到中心位置上(桌子上,柜台上或是床上)。壁橱里的所有东西都要拿出来,衣架,夹克,钱包,甚至是你认为就应该放在角落里的旧而难用的搁脚凳, 通通拿出来。

Picking and choosing. Once you have the entire content of your closet in one central location go through the pile quickly and pick and choose only the essentials, these are things you currently use or cannot live without. You need to be aggressive with the purging here!

Dump, donate or re-file. With the remaining items decide whether they are to be thrown in the garbage, donated to a friend or to goodwill, or re-filed somewhere more appropriate in your home. TIP: Find 3 bins or boxes. Label one as Garbage, another as Donate and the last as Re-file.

Organize. Once the items from your closet have been divided among the three bins DO NOT go through them again! Handle each item ONCE deciding what to do with it then and there. Take the essentials that you put aside in step 2 and put them back in the closet in a neat and orderly fashion. Group like items together in the space that you use them i.e. work out items should all be in the same spot, cookware, books etc.

These four steps are the foundation on which you can start tackling your space. Remember de-cluttering and organizing your entire house or even an entire room will take time. This is not something that can be done in a matter of a hours. Take time get your head around what you want the space to look like once you’re finished and go from there. Don’t let it scare you, you just need to get started!