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“Having a good start to the day where you have greater control is critical in achieving better results, and ultimately greater career success,” says Lynn Taylor, a national workplace expert and author of Tame Your Terrible Office Tyrant. “How you begin your morning often sets the tone and your attitude for the day. It can also derail or direct your focus. If you remain committed to good morning work habits, you won’t fall prey to feeling unproductive and distracted at the end of the day or week.”
“在你更能掌控的时间有一个好的开端,能促使你获得更好的结果,最终在事业上有更高成就。” 国家级职场专家,《驯服可怕的办公室暴君》的作者琳恩•泰勒这么认为,“早晨的日程安排往往会决定你一整天的基调和态度。它也会转移或吸引你的注意力。如果你养成良好的早间工作习惯,在一天或一周结束的时候,你就不会感到徒劳或心烦意乱。”

With the help of career and workplace experts Taylor, David Shindler, Michael Kerr, Anita Attridge, Alexandra Levit and Michael “Dr. Woody” Woodward, I compiled a list of 14 things all workers should do when they get to work each morning.
在职业和职场专家泰勒、大卫•辛德勒、迈克尔•克尔、安妮塔•阿特兹、亚历山德拉• 莱维特、 和迈克尔•伍德沃德(伍德博士)的帮助下,我列出了14件所有员工每天早晨要做的事情。

Arrive on time. This may be obvious to most people—but some don’t realize that showing up late can not only leave a bad impression, but also throw off your entire day. “Getting in on time or a little early helps your mindset for the day and helps promote a feeling of accomplishment,” Taylor says.

Take a deep breath. “Literally,” says Michael Kerr, an international business speaker, author and president of Humor at Work. “And do something to focus in on the here and now.” Many people come into work harried because they don’t leave enough time at home to deal with “home stuff,” he says, “and then they’ve barely survived another horrendously stressful commute, and then they dive into the madness.” Slowing down, taking a moment to pause, and creating a routine around centering yourself can work wonders, he adds.
深呼吸。 国际商业演说家,《工作幽默》的作者和总裁迈克尔•克尔说:“实际上,做事要集中于当下。”许多人陷入工作烦恼,因为他们没有留足够的时间处理“家事”。他说:“然后他们几乎无法适应另一个可怕而高强度的穿梭,于是他们就陷入抓狂。”他又补充说,放慢速度,停顿片刻,设定一个自我集中的日程安排就能够创造奇迹。

Take five. After the deep breath, give yourself five minutes to get settled in, says Michael “Dr. Woody” Woodward, PhD, organizational psychologist and author of The YOU Plan. “This is a good way to set the tone of the day. Don’t allow yourself to be bum rushed by frantic co-workers lost in their own confusion.” It’s not unusual to wake up to a long backlog of e-mails just screaming for your attention, he adds. “The challenge is taking a moment for yourself before diving head first into your day.”

Start each day with a clean slate. You may have to attend to projects or discussions that rolled over from the previous afternoon—but try to treat each day as a fresh one, says David Shindler, an employability specialist and author of Learning to Leap. “Leave any crap from yesterday behind, tap into what’s happening at the outset of the day, get organized and ready or hit the ground running, if that’s what is needed,” he says.
